Kouf Orchard '24


Kouf Orchard '24


Price is pre-discounted with your 10% club discount.

Included in the Spring Club box.

Down an oceanside road on North Pender Island grows a pocket of incredible apple diversity, cared for by the Kouf family. Planted in the 1970’s, the trees were first established by a past orchard owner named Bertine, who is remembered as a keen apple enthusiast determined to fill every space of the small acreage with apple trees. While some of the varieties are common around the Gulf Islands, such as McIntosh and Wolf River, many of the trees are genetically unique varieties she propagated from seed. Wayne and Karen Kouf have spent the last few years reclaiming many of these apple trees from the brambles and hedgerows, bringing what is left of the original orchard back into use.

This is a wide, balanced mix of mid to late season varieties—lower acid, with butterscotch and fruit leather vibes. Ancestral method, 2024 harvest, 7% ABV

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